Do you feel stuck between

the life you have

and the life you want?

Create the life you want.

You know there’s a life out there for you. One that is filled with passion, joy, and creativity. My approach empowers you to uncover stories and beliefs that hold you back from creating the life you want. Understanding these stories will give you the freedom to embrace new beliefs that spark your creativity. You will begin to see new possibilities for creating the life you want and gain the clarity and confidence to make it happen.

Mindful Movement

Are you looking for new ways to challenge yourself physically? Mindful Movement sessions are virtual yoga lessons for individuals and groups. Whether you are just getting started or have been doing yoga for years, these customizable programs invite you to create and connect deeper with your yoga practice. Build your confidence through exploring and expanding your physical capabilities.

Conscious Conversations

Do you struggle with speaking your truth or setting boundaries in your relationships? Conscious Conversations for individuals or groups are guided sessions that help you connect to the present moment via conversational dialogue. Bringing awareness to how you experience the present moment helps you explore the relationship you have with yourself, others, and the world around you. Discover your subconscious patterns that impact how you experience your relationships. Begin to see your patterns as choices, and with this shift in perspective, experience the freedom to make new choices for your relationships.

Steering Sessions

Have you found yourself at a crossroads unsure of what path to take? Steering sessions help you navigate to lead your life or business. Clarify where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there. Structured coaching sessions empower you to navigate toward purpose-driven growth. Evocative questioning and co-creation methods will help you take on new perspectives, understand your current impasse and identify your opportunities for growth.

“Colin creates an environment that is secure and without judgment.  Exploring my subconscious beliefs and patterns has been liberating, invigorating, and enlightening.”

April D., Entrepreneur

“Colin’s empathetic approach has given me space to concisely define my core values, recognize deeply rooted thought patterns, and to take action following our sessions – for me and my business.”

Chris E., Entrepreneur

“Since working with Colin, I have gained greater focus, clarity and productivity with my actions. We are able to accomplish in single sessions what can sometimes take me months on my own!”

Ashley M., Wellness Coach


I used to be stuck between the life I had and the life I wanted. I was over a decade into a successful corporate career that paid the bills, but left me feeling depleted. I was 100 lbs heavier than I am now, consistently making decisions that prevented me from enjoying good physical health. I struggled to communicate needs in my closest relationships, which led to self-abandonment and feeling resentful.

I decided to quit my career job and start a leadership coaching business to pursue my passion of helping others. Even though I intuitively knew I was heading in the right direction, I found myself feeling a bit stuck again. I was struggling to make all the pieces fit to form the picture of the type of coach I wanted to be. Developing a yoga and relational meditation practice helped me realize I was still falling victim to stories and beliefs I held about myself. These stories and beliefs fueled patterns of behaviour that prevented me from closing the gap between where I was and wanted to be.

Once I disrupted these stories and beliefs that no longer served me, a new realm of possibilities for my life appeared.  I chose to embrace new beliefs that sparked my creativity, happiness, and fulfillment.  My inspiration fundamentally changed my approach to coaching. My approach emphasizes the disruption of stories and beliefs, so that you can create the life you want. A life that lights you up with passion, joy, and creativity.

Are you ready to create the life you want?

Contact Colin

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